Driving is an important privilege that everyone has to take advantage of. Commuting to and from work is made easier when you drive. Going on vacation through public commute is tough especially if you’re going to cross state lines multiple times. That’s why it’s important to hire a Fairfax VA traffic attorney to avoid suspension in a case.
If there’s a chance that your driver’s license may be suspended, you need to opt for the best legal counsel that you can get. Although license suspensions are temporary, this can easily disrupt the routines that you’ve already developed that incorporate driving.
Reckless Driving
Getting charged with reckless driving is worse than being given a traffic infraction such as speeding. If you already have a prior reckless driving on your record, there’s a high probability that your license may be suspended for longer and you might even spend a long time in jail.
With a traffic lawyer, you may be able to plea for a reduced charge. The lawyer can use all the resources that they have, including your own record, to ensure that you get the lightest charge possible and avoid the suspension of your driver’s license.
Court Summons
Breaking a traffic law in a state where you don’t live in is going to be tough to deal with if you don’t have a traffic lawyer. Because you are going to represent yourself, you have to be present at the courthouse every time that there’s any assessment going on with your case.
Even if you only have to spend half an hour in court, you are still required to show up. If you want to avoid this from happening, you can hire a traffic lawyer to represent you instead. Granted, you will still have to appear in court for major proceedings, at least it won’t be as bad as going to every single one.
Defending Yourself
No matter what the infraction may be, you need to have legal counsel to effectively defend yourself. No matter how many things you saw that could be used to defend yourself, if you are not aware of the steps that you have to take and how to conduct them in court, you are essentially without effective defense.
A traffic lawyer will have the expertise required to present all of the things that you provide them with. Were you in an emergency when you were speeding? Were there poorly marked signs and vehicles along the way where you made a wrong turn? A traffic lawyer can address all of these.
Unpaid Traffic Tickets
With the busy lives that we all live, it may be easy to forget the traffic tickets that you’ve incurred over the past. Though slim, there’s a possibility that you can get a Fairfax VA traffic attorney to defend why you were unable to pay your traffic tickets. If you have stellar credit and the traffic tickets were the only ones that you were unable to pay, a traffic lawyer can help you avoid paying an even heftier fine.
Be it a reckless driving charge or a DUI/DWI offense, our Fairfax VA traffic attorney at Bolger Law Firm can defend you and make sure all your rights are protected.